Thank you, Eric. I'm very honoured that you should call me a 'sister in writing.' 💜✨🌞

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May 24Liked by Eric K. Carr

Your words are a warm, nourishing meal for my soul. Every time. Thank you for bringing the beauty of the desert where I once lived and of a city I've never cared to visit, right to my doorstep.

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Thank you, Rebecca. “Nourishing” is probably the best compliment anyone could ever give to me. Thank you, thank you. This made my day.

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Love this so much - and the serendipity, Eric. ✨

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I had already written this when I read your post, and I was so moved by the synchronicity! I haven’t finished reading all he ways we can smell a tree (I’m taking each section as its own bite), but I should link to your wonderful practice: https://sophienicholls.substack.com/p/smell-touch-taste-feel-your-unique

I am so grateful to have such a sister in writing.

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“…unscripted lines

Of adoration”

Love those lines. The desert has a special place in my heart even though—or maybe because?—I wasn’t born anywhere near the desert. Perhaps it’s because my old Viking/ancient Britannic bones never felt the warmth of the dry, desert sun that my body just soaks it up like a sponge and tells me I need to spend more time there. Your writing is like sunshine too—it softens my heart. Thank you.

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